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Tiny Did It Again!

Tiny Makes a Friend received a 5 Star Review on Here is an excerpt:

"Tiny Makes a Friend by Eva Schmidler is a beautiful story of friendship, kindness, compassion, sharing, caring, respect, courage, and dealing with life. The book is divided into four chapte

rs, and each chapter focuses on a different thing. The last chapter is all about family, reunion, and separation, and the unique friendship of Toby Tiger and Tiny Mouse conveys important life lessons to readers. The story is heartwarming and the friendship between Toby and Tiny will remain in the

hearts of readers for a long time. The author conveys good messages through these two characters, knitting them into the story seamlessly, giving a good pace and fluidity to the action. The book is perfect for tutors and parents to teach children important messages and how to tackle life in its various stages. The character portrayals of Tiny and Toby are real, relatable, memorable, and children of ages will enjoy reading about their unusual friendship. The questions at the end of the book are useful and will help readers reflect on their lives, situations, and circumstances."


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